Google I/O 2018: Android Notes

Highlights All android support library code is moving to the androidx namespace. No more or android. support.v7 namespaces. Android app bundle to split the app into downloadable modules Navigation library to set up navigation between different activities/fragments. Use WorkManager for background work - this is an improvement to JobScheduler Major improvements to Android Studio. Most standalone tools were deprecated in favor of adding the same functionality into Android Studio. Major improvements to Android Vitals which in Google Play to learn more about what’s going on with the Android app’s performance....

Google I/O 2017: Android Notes

Infrastructure - Architecture & Performance Android Vitals - More visibility in Google Play dev console on battery drain, wakelocks being held for too long, ANRs, crashes, dropped frames, and frozen frames. Architecture components - better handling of the lifecycle, Room (ORM for Sqlite), live data observers. The API looks clunky though. Performance 50% 1-star reviews mention stability & bugs. 60% 5-star reviews mention speed, design, or reliability. Apps with > 5% crash rate have 30% higher uninstall rate....

Google I/O 2016: Android notes

General Multitasking - multi-window mode and picture-in-picture mode. This includes the ability to launch window in adjacent activity, and drag and drop between activities. Notifications - Custom quick settings tile for an activity Multi-locale - users can specify locale beyond their primary locale ScopedDirectoryAccess for the shared storage New file-level encryption mode (as opposed to block-level encryption) and the corresponding Direct Boot Java 8, Jack, and ndk support in Gradle GCC deprecated in favor of Clang TechTalk on Image size/compression PNG - Get image down to 256-bit palette (if possible) or compress them using Zopfli. Test the difference with butteraugli Convert PNG to Vector drawable using Potrace. Vector drawable are natively supported on Android 5.0 and above. Use compat to use them on the older versions. Or generate PNG for the older versions (not recommended) WebP is another option (Note: Speaker failed to mention that WebP is natively supported only on Android). Avoid JPEGs. They are usually larger in size.